Llistar TÃtols per Autor "Universitat de Girona. Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua"
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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
28 novembre 2016 |
Analysis of chemotherapy drugs and related compounds in aquatic environment: removal, transformation and risk evaluation in eco-friendly and advanced technologies |
Ferrando Climent, Laura
Analysis of chemotherapy drugs and related compounds in aquatic environment: removal, transformation and risk evaluation in eco-friendly and advanced technologies |
Ferrando Climent, Laura
25 maig 2020 |
Analysis, occurrence, fate and behaviour of emerging micropollutants in wastewater and the receiving environment |
Gusmaroli, Lucia
16 desembre 2024 |
(Bio)monitoring of pharmaceuticals in the Mediterranean aquatic environment and interactive effect with microplastics. Insights from field and laboratory studies |
Castaño-Ortiz, Jose Maria
24 febrer 2023 |
Chemometric methods to process online spectrometry for quality monitoring of different water matrices |
Plà Castellana, Mireia
Controls on the dynamics of riverine dissolved organic matter: insights from a Mediterranean river network |
Casas Ruiz, Joan Pere
31 maig 2017 |
Controls on the dynamics of riverine dissolved organic matter: insights from a Mediterranean river network |
Casas Ruiz, Joan Pere
13 octubre 2021 |
Electrochemical control and minimization of hydrogen sulfide formation in anaerobic systems |
Sergienko, Natalia
7 setembre 2018 |
Elimination of micropollutants in conventional and novel nitrogen removal processes. A comparative assessment of diverse microbial communities capabilities |
Kassotaki, Elissavet
22 maig 2019 |
Evaluation and comparison of advanced treatment technologies to enhance the removal of pharmaceutical active compounds from wwtp secondary effluent |
Sbardella, Luca
3 juliol 2018 |
Factors affecting the distribution, abundance and diversity of uncultured archaeal groups in freshwater sediments |
Compte Port, Sergi
24 juliol 2018 |
Influence of anthropogenic pollution on the prevalence, maintenance and spread of antibiotic resistance in aquatic microbial communities |
Subirats Medina, Jessica
18 juliol 2019 |
Mass transport and fouling of novel forward osmosis thin-film composite membranes |
Sauchelli Toran, Marc
Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies |
Auguet Horta, Olga
13 juliol 2016 |
Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies |
Auguet Horta, Olga
25 octubre 2024 |
Towards benefit oriented rehabilitation to make degraded lakes more resilient to extreme climatic events |
Armstrong, Margaret Rosé
3 juliol 2015 |
Towards better management of combined sewer systems. A methodology based on low-cost monitoring |
Montserrat Royuela, Albert